

2014-08-02 武太白英语教学

本系列内容英文原文取自BBC Thought for the Day节目网站,朋友们也可以下载节目录音收听。




Thought for the Day 20140724 - Professor Mona Siddiqui

Over the last few days, I've been watching the excitement as thousands of visitors arrive in Glasgow 格拉斯哥(英国城市名) for the commonwealth games 英联邦运动会. It’s a celebration of hospitality and diversity. But the contrast with what’s been going on in another city, Mosul in Iraq 摩苏尔(伊拉克北部城市), couldn't be greater. The violence there has meant a gradual exodus 大批出逃 of Christians from their homes, but this weekend, the militant group ISIS伊拉克和大叙利亚伊斯兰国 gave them an ultimatum 最后通牒– convert to 皈依 Islam or face death. Most of the Christians fled by the Saturday deadline becoming refugees in nearby Kurdish 库尔德的 towns.
[ISIS,即伊拉克和大叙利亚伊斯兰国(Islamic State of Iraq and al Shams的缩写),是一个基地组织下属的极端组织。这一组织打算消除在第一次世界大战结束后,由温斯顿•丘吉尔在一个世纪前所创建的现代中东的国家边界,并在这一地区创立一个由基地组织运作的酋长国。]


The patriarch 长老 Louis Sako said in a moving statement that, ‘the fraternal life between Muslims and Christians had together built a civilization and a heritage, and for the first time in the history of Iraq, Mosul is now empty of Christians.' Some families talk of returning one day to their homes and churches, others speak sadly that no longer will the call of the minaret 宣礼塔, and the sound of the church bells be heard together in this city. Surely the Christian presence and that of other persecuted 迫害;困扰 minorities guarantees the Muslims too, a better life and it seems to me that the loss of Christian communities should be seen as a scandal to the Muslim conscience. This kind of vicious extremism knows no boundaries, and if people and governments don't speak out, then it’s only a matter of time before such groups move onto their next target.

All this is being done in the Month of Ramadhan 戒斋月, sacred and observed by millions, and coming to an end this weekend as Muslims prepare to celebrate Eid. But at a time when hundreds have lost their lives in conflicts around the world, including areas where Muslims are killing Muslims, how do we celebrate? These are not distant wars; they touch our lives in all kinds of ways, often dividing our relatively peaceful societies here in the UK. At a time when Islam and extremism are conflated in the minds of many, how can we instill hope that religious faith can bring about the best in us, as well as the worst? The Qur'an 可兰经 says, ‘God will not change the condition of a people, until they change what is in themselves.' At the very least, this demands that we show courage and care for the flourishing of others, as well as our own.
这些都在这个戒斋月发生,数百万人参加了这神圣的节日,并将于本周末结束,到时候穆斯林会庆祝开斋节。但是,全球各地的冲突已导致数百人死亡,甚至有些地方的穆斯林相互残杀,在这种情况下,我们还能庆祝吗?这些并非遥远地方的战争,而是影响着我们生活的方方面面,常常在英国相对平静的社会造成分歧。当伊斯兰与极端主义在很多人脑中已成为同义词,我们要如何播种希望之花,相信宗教信仰能够唤起人们最好的一面,尽管也可能是最恶的一面?古兰经中有句话,“上帝不会改变一个民族的处境,除非他们改变自身。” 这至少提醒我们,关注自己,也要勇于关心别人的生存。

Whoever lives next door to us is our neighbor, and we have duties of hospitality towards them, whether it’s in the ravaged city of Mosul where people are being driven out, or at the celebrations in Glasgow. Kindness and friendship, or violence and discrimination, either way the impact runs deep. When Eid arrives, we should be thankful for the freedom to worship in our cities across the UK, even as we remember and pray for those who are being denied this very right.

